7 Bali’s Secret Gems

  • by Great Bali Villas
  • 1 year ago
  • Nature
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Whilst travelling around Bali in recent months we have come across a list of places that we would happily classify as hidden gems in Bali. These places are the ones that we climbed, trekked to or simply just stumbled across in our travels that left us thinking. “why haven’t we ever heard of this place?” So here is our list (just our first list…for now) of hidden gems in Bali that you didn’t know existed. Because WE certainly didn’t!

Table of Contents

  • #1 – Bukit Cinta
  • #2 – Bunut Bolong Tree
  • #3 – Bukit Batu Kursi
  • #4 – Hidden Canyon Beji Guwang
  • #5 – Sunset Point, Amed
  • #6 – Gili Putih Sumberkima
  • #7 – Kayu Putih

#1 – Bukit Cinta

Bukit Cinta was something that we found on google maps when we were actually searching for another Bukit in the same area. This is a place that we really only drove to just to fill in a few hours of our afternoon. We are so glad we did!

Bukit Cinta is located in the Karangasem Regency of East Bali, and you may have seen photos of it already on Instagram and wondered, “where is that?” Once we arrived and saw the location and the view ourselves, we were left nodding stupidly and saying things like, “oh yeah, I recognize this place.”

Bukit Cinta

To find Bukit Cinta, just head to East Bali and the Karangasem area and punch it into Google Maps. Or just click here, and we have done it for you.

#2 – Bunut Bolong Tree

Bunut Bolong tree is located in the village of Manggisari in Jembrana, West Bali. This is one of our true hidden gems in Bali! It is a huge Banyan Tree, and is unique due to the fact that it has a road going right through a hole in the middle of it. The hole is almost entirely natural, and has only been widened slightly to allow safer passage of vehicles.

Magical Tree at Jembrana
Bunut Bolong Tree

To find it, head toward Gilimanuk and take the turn toward north Bali. You can find the tree on Google Maps here.

#3 – Bukit Batu Kursi

If you are anywhere up in the North West of Bali, then Bukit Batu Kursi is worth checking out. Located in Pemuteran, it is the place to go if you are interested in checking out the fantastic views of the area.

Bukit Batu Kursi is one you might have to work a little to reach. The carpark is very easy to find, but to reach the top you must walk, and that walk involves a lot of concrete stairs up the side of a good sized hill. Don’t worry though, the hike only takes around 30 minutes.

Good Temple Bukit Kursi
Bukit Batu Kursi

To find Bukit Batu Kursi turn off the main road through Pemuteran onto Jalan Pura Pemuteran and park in front of the large temple at the end of the road. Pay a small donation, sign the visitors log and off you go!

Click here for location.

#4 – Hidden Canyon Beji Guwang

This is literally a Hidden gem in Bali. The proof is in the name!

In truth, Hidden Canyon is not exactly hidden, it’s just that not too many people know that it exists. Situated in the Gianyar Region, it is not too far north of Sanur and very close to Tegenungan Waterfall.

You will pay a higher entrance fee at Hidden Canyon than you would at a waterfall, but it is entirely worth it. With the fee you get a guide, which is essential because this is actually an adventure trek.

Hidden Canyon Gianyar
Hidden Canyon Beji Guwang

To find Hidden Canyon Beji Guwang, you can come from Ubud or Sanur. It is easy to find from anywhere in southern Bali.

Click here for Google maps location.

#5 – Sunset Point, Amed

For anyone that has been to Amed, this is not exactly a hidden location in Bali. For those that have not, you are the reason Sunset Point has made the list.

The best view sunset at Karangasem
Sunset Point Amed

There is nothing so special about this place, except the view and, of course, the sunsets. If you have ever seen a beautiful photo on Instagram or Facebook of a sunset in Bali, with the sun setting alongside or over the top of Mount Agung, then it is a good bet that the photo was taken from this location!

Not too much more can be said for this one. To find it, drive along the coast road through Amed until you find the Sunset Point Restaurant. Find yourself a table before sunset, order a drink, sit back and enjoy.

Click here for Google location.

#6 – Gili Putih Sumberkima

My six Hidden Gem in Bali is one that not many know about….yet. Gili Putih Sumberkima is a small sand island that is located just off the coast of Pemuteran, in north west Bali.

This thin little strip of sand has seen a bit of love on Instagram of late, with some very nice drone shots taken of it at sunset. As you can imagine, it is very picturesque, and the view actually FROM the island of the nearby coast and mountains of Bali is just as good.

Magic Island Gili Putih
Gili Putih Sumberkima

There is not much to do on Gili Putih Sumberkima, but then that is sort of the point. The island has a swing (for photos) and a couple of Bale style huts to rest from the sun inside. Other than that, it is sand and shells for as far as you can walk. Bring your towel, lay down and rest on the most peaceful beach you will find. This really is the typical desert island. The best part is, it’s only about 20 minutes by boat from the mainland.

For a Google location on Gili Putih Sumberkima, click here.

#7 – Kayu Putih

I can hear you asking already. What is a Kayu Putih?

Kayu Putih is the name of an ancient tree in Bayan Village in Tabanan. For that reason, it is often better known at Bayan Ancient Tree. It is also regularly mistaken as being a Banyan tree, but this is incorrect and the disinformation simply comes from the name of the village “Bayan” sounding so much like “Banyan”.

Banyan Tree Kayu Putih
Kayu Putih

Kayu Putih means “white wood” in Indonesian, and you can see why as soon as you pull in to the carpark, with the massive white trunk towering over top of you. The massive roots alone are as big as many other trees in the area!

According to locals, the tree is as old as 700 years, which would make it one of the oldest trees in Bali. It is over 50m tall, and once you take a walk around the base you get a real feel for how big Kayu Putih actually is.

Banyan Tree Kayu Putih
Kayu Putih

There are many, many places to take photos at this tree, with the roots winding away at so many interesting angles, and the trunk making so many twists and turns that you will find multiple nooks and crannies to pose in. When we were there, we were taking photos for 15 minutes on one side of the tree, and didn’t even realise there were other people on the opposite side of the tree also taking photos. It is literally THAT big!

To find Kayu Putih, simply click here for google location.

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